Fuel Saving Devices
Are They A Scam?

The inevitable impact of burgeoning oil prices is that it has spawned a number of remarkable sounding fuel saving devices that aim to reduce the amount of gas your automobile guzzles.

Lets face it with gas (that's PETROL in the UK, by the way...where 'gas' is an entirely different commodity!) prices being hiked almost weekly through 2008, and seeing record high pump-prices being posted in 2009, for the fuel that keeps most motors on the road.

There have been a plethora of 'run your car on water' and other supposedly innovative products that have come to market. Some of these claim many convincing sounding testimonials. Certainly with promises of reducing fuel consumption by 40%, or even more, they are tempting to try.

As the first of a series of new publications either prepared by, or commissioned by, GoNaturalandOrganic.com we are happy to bring you a new report: "Fuel Saving Devices; Gas Savers or Consumer Scam?"

Support independent publishing: Buy this book on Lulu.

This is the first of several 'volumes' that will soon be lodged on the 'virtual' shelves of the 'Little Green Library' here at GoNandO. We are making these available at the lowest price we can,to cover production costs and contribute just a little to the running costs of the site (fuel prices have been soaring don'tchaknow? ;D).

So if you want to be sure of saving yourself unnecessary expense and frustration then pick up our latest report on "Fuel Saving Devices" for the paltry sum of just US$7.99. It will be conveniently delivered to your email address immediately on payment, in eBook (electronic book) form, for downloading and reading on your desktop or printing off as you prefer.

You can pay using a PayPal account or using any credit card (PayPal account NOT needed) and the processing is undertaken by PayPal so your information is totally secure (we never see it as it on the PayPal leading edge secure servers!)

So why not 'save your pocket', support GoNandO, and find out whether or not fuel saving devices work or not without 'shelling out' for the products yourself?

Our "Fuel Saving Devices" report also:

  • clearly outlines the products you would do well to avoid purchasing,
  • plus it describes the fuel saving methods that do work,
  • will enable you to make the right choice and take the right actions to reduce those escalating fuel bills.
  • So by impementing this information you are guaranteed to save far more than the US$7.99 that our detailed 66-page report costs. (Also available as paperback, hard copy, for opnly US$14.99)

    Buy "Fuel Saving Devices: Gas savers or Consumer Scam?" Now:

    Support independent publishing: Buy this book on Lulu.

    A GoNandO "Little Green Library" Publication
    Helping you to 'Go Green' effectively,
    and costing so "little" of the "Green Stuff"!
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